There's a big difference between having a well stocked pantry and being a hoarder, but for some, it is hard to tell the difference. One tell-tale sign is if you have more than you will use in a six month time period, you may be hoarding. Canned goods DO expire in time, so having a hundred cans of soup may not be to your advantage, unless you eat a lot of soup. If you do score a great deal and get far more than you need for free, consider donating some to your local food pantry. In many cases, you can get a tax deduction for the full value of what has been donated, so that is one way to double your savings and make a difference at the same time. For the most part, people who do practice extreme coupon strategies storage can be a problem. Take the time to ask yourself if getting the great deal is worth losing the space in your home. If it won't be used, it does you no good, but could benefit others.

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