Having several websites to create and manage has cost me the time I had planned to devote to this site, but now I have the schedule reset to include doing the ones I love as well as the ones that were meant as income. 

The climate of the world has become increasingly difficult for the average person to make a living in, and tightening belts and budgets are all many seem to have time for. So what do you do when the budget won't stretch any further?

That's when you have to figure out what you NEED versus what you WANT. 
Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of life's little luxuries and treating yourself on occasion, but you have to have a plan if you are going to survive until times improve, or your situation improves.
Cutting back doesn't have to mean doing without essentials, it just means you may have to get a bit creative with what you already have on hand and make it stretch to fit your needs. 

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