Now that the weather is finally going to cooperate, for a little while at least, it's time to start our Spring cleaning! Don't get too excited, it will take some time, LOL. 
Step one is to make a list of what needs to be done in each room of the house, from top to bottom. You would be surprised at how many people do not realize they need to clean from top to bottom, so I put in a few reminders here and there. 
Start with the curtains, and other window treatments, take them down, toss in the wash, and hang them out on the line to dry for the day. Dusting down cobwebs, and cleaning light fixtures is next. Don't buy window cleaner if you have a jug of vinegar under the sink, (and you really should) just mix it with water at about half and half, in a spray bottle, works just as well if not better. 
Don't buy scouring powders or soft scrub type products either, you can make your own with baking soda for a fraction of the cost, and it works great. I get the jumbo sized box of baking soda twice a year, and it is so much less expensive than the other stuff. Mix with water to leave on tough, greasy messes on the stove top, let it sit, then scrub away the grime. Use as a cleaner for sinks, if you have white porcelain sinks, you can mix it with a little household bleach, a bit of water, and you have your own soft scrub that kills germs. Remember to rinse off the surface with warm water when done.

Now that you have started, check out my pages here, and find more ways to keep more of your hard earned money in your pocket. I will be adding pages related to the whole Doomsday Prepper movement since I believe these people may be a bit extreme, but they have the right idea as far as stocking up now before prices go through the roof, and to be more self reliant. 
My mom always told me, and still says it to this day, "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." This helps you cover all your bases, and if you feel a bit paranoid by stocking up, imagine how you will feel when the prices rise, and you have a fully stocked pantry that will hold you until your garden comes in!!

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